by Dr. Monty Knight | Dec 27, 2012 | Christian Ethics
When I claim to be defined as a “Christian humanist,” my “secular humanist” friends often look at me like I had just embarrassed myself by uttering, at best, an oxymoron, if not at worst, a malapropism. “What does being a Christian have...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Nov 1, 2012 | Christian Ethics
When Richard Mourdock, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate from Indiana, recently claimed that the birth of a human life, even when conceived by rape, was the will of God, he was as pretentiously sincere in his religious conviction as he was care-less, if not...
by drmontyknight | Jun 7, 2012 | Christian Ethics
My life-long friend, who lives in St. Louis–a guy I hold in high regard, a fellow-pilgrim and an important encourager in my life–in response to last week’s blog posting, he wrote: “I’ve heard others say that Jesus was a socialist. Please share an...