Gay Marriage

I was asked recently to participate in a debate over the “gay marriage” controversy now seeming to hold much of America and too many churches hostage. I had a schedule conflict, a previous commitment, and couldn’t participate. But had I been able to,...

Traveling, Politics and Football

Who didn’t have to write a “What I Did Last Summer” essay upon, in one’s childhood, returning to school in the Fall? Around Labor Day, my wife, Jackie, and I flew to Denver to visit our daughter, son-in-law and two little grandsons who live...

What Is “Tragic”?

I was recently explaining what is “tragic” to a class of graduate students in marriage and family counseling. The context was different from any other, as I recall, in which I’ve had this conversation previously. The noun,...

On Creativity

Recently, my Circular Congregational Church in Charleston (SC) pastor, the Reverend Dr. Jeremy Rutledge, posted a blog concerning “creativity.” This blog posting coincided with the opening of the new school year for most students, as well as our...

Who Is God?

Recently, a client/patient (patient/client) was talking to me about God. At least–to quote AA–the God of his understanding. In fact, an understanding not all that different from my own. Except that I’ve spent more time over more years than...

Why Marriage Counseling?

Two recent experiences revealed the value and importance of “marriage counseling.” At least with a well-trained, competent and experienced “marriage counselor.” As if, after nearly forty years of such training and experience, I wouldn’t...

My Olympic Moment

This year I’ve found myself hooked on at least a couple of Olympic sports I would hardly otherwise spend any time on. I’ve always loved track and field, and may even have some medals and ribbons from high school saved and packed away somewhere. If I can...

Did I Say That?

What’s that old saw? “I know you think you understand what I said. But what you don’t realize is that what you heard is not what I meant.” Two examples from this summer represent the exploiting of statements made by both of our nation’s...

Piano Lessons

A couple of weeks ago, I played the piano for the kids to sing at Vacation Bible School at my church. Of course it’s not “my church.” Still–“church”–it’s not something I merely “attend.” Like a play, a...