by Dr. Monty Knight | Jan 3, 2013 | Religion, Culture, and Politics
Who hasn’t had something to say about the recent school shooting atrocity in Newtown, Connecticut? Here, however, are five observations on my part concerning perspectives, most of which I haven’t seen previously addressed. 1. The noun “tragedy”...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Dec 27, 2012 | Christian Ethics
When I claim to be defined as a “Christian humanist,” my “secular humanist” friends often look at me like I had just embarrassed myself by uttering, at best, an oxymoron, if not at worst, a malapropism. “What does being a Christian have...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Dec 20, 2012 | Mental Health
A few weeks ago while driving in my truck, I was, as usual, listening to National Public Radio. And I picked up on a program where some mental health professionals were discussing what they termed “moral injury” in relation to PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Dec 13, 2012 | Family Relations
For more than forty years, Robert Raines’ devotional book, Creative Brooding (Macmillan, 1966), has been a source of inspiration and challenge along the way of my journey–both personally and professionally. If today, I read from it less, I find myself more...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Dec 6, 2012 | Marriage Counseling
Dr. John Gottman is a psychology professor at the University of Washington and the recognized authority on substantive research concerning marriage. I’ve studied a fair amount of Gottman’s research over the years and recently read his popular The Seven...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Nov 29, 2012 | Psychology
In recent years, the Goose Creek High School varsity football team, a school located in an adjoining county, near Charleston, has become dominant in South Carolina high school football competition. Among the largest-schools-in-the-state classification, Goose Creek was...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Nov 22, 2012 | Religion and Culture
It appears that there are at least two different kinds of people in yours or mine or anyone’s life. Including ourselves. There are those who are thankful for who they are and what they have. While others are, by contrast, those who tend to be bitter and/or...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Nov 15, 2012 | Mental/Social Health
I don’t know where I came across this guy’s ruminations. His name is Leo Babauta, and on the occasion of his 38th birthday he wrote an equal number of aphorisms meant for his children. I thought, when I first read them, that I would occasionally pass some...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Nov 7, 2012 | Children and Families
I recently conducted an unusual memorial service. My pastor was asked to do it, but for whatever reason couldn’t. So he asked me to pinch-hit for him, as I am one of several ordained ministers among the membership of the Circular Congregational Church here in...
by Dr. Monty Knight | Nov 1, 2012 | Christian Ethics
When Richard Mourdock, Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate from Indiana, recently claimed that the birth of a human life, even when conceived by rape, was the will of God, he was as pretentiously sincere in his religious conviction as he was care-less, if not...