Gay Marriage

I was asked recently to participate in a debate over the “gay marriage” controversy now seeming to hold much of America and too many churches hostage. I had a schedule conflict, a previous commitment, and couldn’t participate. But had I been able to,...

Traveling, Politics and Football

Who didn’t have to write a “What I Did Last Summer” essay upon, in one’s childhood, returning to school in the Fall? Around Labor Day, my wife, Jackie, and I flew to Denver to visit our daughter, son-in-law and two little grandsons who live...

What Is “Tragic”?

I was recently explaining what is “tragic” to a class of graduate students in marriage and family counseling. The context was different from any other, as I recall, in which I’ve had this conversation previously. The noun,...

On Creativity

Recently, my Circular Congregational Church in Charleston (SC) pastor, the Reverend Dr. Jeremy Rutledge, posted a blog concerning “creativity.” This blog posting coincided with the opening of the new school year for most students, as well as our...