Christian Humanism

When I claim to be defined as a “Christian humanist,” my “secular humanist” friends often look at me like I had just embarrassed myself by uttering, at best, an oxymoron, if not at worst, a malapropism. “What does being a Christian have...

Moral Injury

A few weeks ago while driving in my truck, I was, as usual, listening to National Public Radio. And I picked up on a program where some mental health professionals were discussing what they termed “moral injury” in relation to PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress...

Creative Brooding

For more than forty years, Robert Raines’ devotional book, Creative Brooding (Macmillan, 1966), has been a source of inspiration and challenge along the way of my journey–both personally and professionally. If today, I read from it less, I find myself more...