Being Present

In recent weeks, I’ve received a couple of different articles, forwarded to me on email by my life-long friend, Barbara Bennett, who lives in St. Louis. Both of these pieces I’ve found so important, I’m passing them along in my weekly blog. This...

Three (Short) Human Interest Stories

Prodigious pianist, teenager Micah McLaurin, is being celebrated in local classical music circles these days, having been awarded a scholarship to the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. In recent years Micah has competed successfully in prominent...

Training or Education?

The current “graduation season”–from my grandson, Shepard Cadwell’s 4-year-old kindergarten “graduation” in Denver, Colorado, to a nation of high schools, colleges, universities and professional schools–reminds me of two...

Where Were You When . . .?

The “cover story” of the April 17 issue of the Christian Century reminded me of where and when I first read Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail.” It was the summer of 1963–fifty years ago; I had just finished my...

Angelina and My Mom

Movie star Angelina Jolie’s recent announcement that she has undergone a double mastectomy, a considered effort to try to avert breast cancer for which she has revealed her personal genetic propensity–it evokes memories of my mother and her health...