Piano Lessons

A couple of weeks ago, I played the piano for the kids to sing at Vacation Bible School at my church. Of course it’s not “my church.” Still–“church”–it’s not something I merely “attend.” Like a play, a...

Comparable Contradictions

For the sake of continuity, this week I’m returning to a portion of my book, Balanced Living: Don’t Let Your Strength Become Your Weakness (Wipf and Stock, 2009), pp. 40-41. Two weeks ago, I shared, from an introduction to the book’s signature...

A Parenting Perspective

One of the most important books I have read in recent years is David Brooks’ The Social Animal (Random House, 2011). Later, I saw Mr. Books speaking and responding to questions on the weekend “Books TV” feature on CSPAN2. And he said something important: “You don’t...

Praying for America

I received an email recently from an old college friend, an appeal passed on and shared, apparently, among many people. The request was for recipients to “pray for America.” Exclaiming, as it did, that this was our nation’s “last chance” to “save itself.” Not that...